Sunday, June 28, 2009

life or something like it...

I don't know what's going on these days. Work is awful, not that it is difficult, it just doesn't feel like I am helping the world. I mean almost anyone can do the job I am doing at the hospital. So I am on the job hunt. I really want to work in a more therapeutic environment, not to mention all of the nasty germs that one can get at the hospital. Check out C Diff or Acinetobacter for some fun reading. I thought that once I graduated I would get things figured out, but that was/is not the case. I sometimes feel more confused and agitated than I was before.

I think some medications may be in order, I am able to recommend things for patient's shouldn't I recommend them for myself? I just don't feel like I have anyone I am close to anymore. I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to connect with anyone. It isn't like being better than people, but since I have graduated it seems that some people have started looking at me differently, in a good light, but differently. I think I need to expand my friend horizon, and well, stop being such a bitch. ( I know, I am sooooo good at it). I think I run people off before they even really get a chance to know me, and therefore thwart any chance of a friendship. I hope that things will begin to change. Also you should buy this album by Regina Spektor. It is absolutely wonderful!

good evening to ya~!