Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I copied off of shaun....

I like the format of blogger, and it makes it easy to blog so.... here we go. I'm excited about the internship I am about to start. I'm going to be at Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. Long title, I know. They do policy analysis on laws and lots of lobbying. I'm very excited. These are the kinds of things that I want to do. So my professional life is going great. My personal life, now that's a different story.

I have recently lost two of, what I thought were, my good friends. It was over something that was never my fault. It seems like when things get tough for people we tend to revert to high school tactics. All I have to say is that when it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and tells other people "hey, i'm a duck" then guess what, I'm going to call it a motherf&cking duck. That's all.

Anyway, I'm excited about my new internship, but SCARED as heck. I hope that I will be able to do everything that I need to do, and if I can't then hopefully someone will help me. This is mostly for me, but if you are reading it then leave a comment. That would be abfab. Thanks